Economic Growth Vs Rising Debt: Opportunities and Challenges for Nepal
The most persistent question regarding all the outstanding debt is what is the price that Nepal’s economy and the future pay as a consequence.

Shaksham Shahi
18/07/2024 11:08 AMPolicies to Promote Social Interactions in the Evolving Digital Age
Digital tools and platforms have enabled global connectivity, broadened social networks, and enhanced collaboration, but it also raises concerns about the degrading frequency and quality of face-to-face interactions, digital dependencies, and decline in social skills and family values among the young generation.

Milan Jung Katuwal
15/12/2024 6:50 AMThe Case of Legalizing Digital Currency in Nepal: An Exploratory Analysis
As the world embraces the digital revolution, Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are at the forefront of transforming financial systems. With 134 countries exploring CBDCs, representing 98% of the global economy, Nepal’s plan to roll out its CBDC by 2026 risks falling behind unless it accelerates its efforts in this innovative financial space.

Bhugol Khanal
18/11/2024 8:34 AMRestriction on Freedom of Expression in Nepal: Mechanism to respect co-existing fundamental rights or weapon of political elites?
The annual freedom press report published by Freedom Forum recorded 60 press freedom violation incidents from 1 May 2023 to 30 April 2024. In 60 violation incidents, a total of 88 media persons, 77 male and 11 female journalists, including 3 media houses, were directly affected.

Saugat Subedi
17/11/2024 5:35 PMWhy does Kathmandu's public transport need a complete revamp? A perspective from Mass Rapid Transit promoting efficient urban mobility
Out of a total, 1.75 million registered vehicles in Kathmandu Valley, only 3% of which are categorized as public transport currently serves 28% of the total population relying on formal and informal public transit. A shift in the public transport landscape of Kathmandu is crucial, and the switch to Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) is essential to tackle the rising congestion, inefficiency, and pollution caused by the current system.

Bhugol Khanal and Bidisha Kaphle
30/10/2024 7:07 AMEconomic Diplomacy through the Belt and Road Initiative: Navigating Nepal-China Economic Relations
The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) presents Nepal with a rare opportunity to transform its infrastructure and enhance its global trade links, yet it also brings the looming risks of debt dependency and geopolitical entanglements. Navigating this double-edged sword demands strategic economic diplomacy, careful project selection, and a focus on financial independence.

Asmita Yogi
Nepal, bound by its international policies and standards to protect and advance GESI is not enough to fulfil this; promises need action that goes beyond enacting policies. Thus, one is in dire need of a strong implementation mechanism, a higher budgetary provision, and that establishment of adequate human resources, skills, and abilities at the sub-national level is urgently required

Saugat Subedi
15/10/2024 7:45 AMLessons from Randomized Experiments: Lessons for Agriculture
Through these randomized experiments, we find some robust evidence that proves effective in Nepal, which have been proven in other parts of the world.

Amit Khanal & Pawan Raj Dallakoti
30/09/2024 11:55 AMThree Challenges of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) System in Nepal
The challenges include lower-quality EIA reports, lack of meaningful public participation, and ineffective self-monitoring. The private consultancy firms should be brought under strict scrutiny and must be held accountable to produce high-quality EIA reports.
Pawan Raj Dallakoti
23/09/2024 10:18 AMसंविधान कार्यान्वयनको ९ वर्ष: प्रगति, चुनौती,र सुधारका सम्भावनाहरू
संविधान जारी भए सँगै स्थायित्व र स्थिरता लागु हुन्छ भन्ने जनभावनाको विपरीत ९ वर्षमा १० पटक सरकार परिवर्तन भएको छ। २०७९ को निर्वाचन पछि मात्र ४ पटक सरकार परिवर्तन भइसकेको छ। देशमा केही हुँदैन भन्ने भाष्य संस्थागत भई रहँदा संविधान कार्यान्वयन प्रति हुने जनआस्था र जनविश्वासको कमिले संविधानको मर्म र प्रस्तावना अनुरूप कार्यान्वयनमा प्रभाव परिरहेको छ।

Sadichchha Silwal
19/09/2024 8:24 AMMarijuana in Nepal: Weighing Costs and Benefits
The process of legalizing and regulating marijuana involves substantial legal and administrative costs. Governments need to invest in regulatory agencies, law enforcement training, and monitoring systems. In Nepal where resources are limited, the economic burden of creating and enforcing these regulations might outweigh the financial benefits of taxation and sales.

Aastha Pokhrel and Mimamsha Dhungel
09/09/2024 10:29 AMBoosting Voter Turnout in Nepal: Strategies for a More Engaged Electorate
The voter turnout of 61.5% in Nepal's 2022 federal election suggests a moderate level of public engagement in the electoral process. However, the fact that nearly 40% of eligible voters did not cast their votes raises concerns about potential voter apathy, barriers to voting, or dissatisfaction with the political process.

Sabita Sigdel
02/09/2024 6:59 AMSaurya Air Crash: Just another accident or systematic failure of Nepal’s aviation standards?
In its 75-year aviation history, Nepal has witnessed 109 aviation-related accidents, resulting in 956 deaths. The recent Saurya Airlines crash raises further questions about the competence and accountability of regulatory bodies and operators.

Shaksham Shahi
29/07/2024 8:32 AMEconomic Growth Vs Rising Debt: Opportunities and Challenges for Nepal
The most persistent question regarding all the outstanding debt is what is the price that Nepal’s economy and the future pay as a consequence.

Shaksham Shahi
18/07/2024 11:08 AMPolicies to Promote Social Interactions in the Evolving Digital Age
Digital tools and platforms have enabled global connectivity, broadened social networks, and enhanced collaboration, but it also raises concerns about the degrading frequency and quality of face-to-face interactions, digital dependencies, and decline in social skills and family values among the young generation.

Milan Jung Katuwal
15/12/2024 6:50 AMThe Case of Legalizing Digital Currency in Nepal: An Exploratory Analysis
As the world embraces the digital revolution, Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are at the forefront of transforming financial systems. With 134 countries exploring CBDCs, representing 98% of the global economy, Nepal’s plan to roll out its CBDC by 2026 risks falling behind unless it accelerates its efforts in this innovative financial space.

Bhugol Khanal
18/11/2024 8:34 AMRestriction on Freedom of Expression in Nepal: Mechanism to respect co-existing fundamental rights or weapon of political elites?
The annual freedom press report published by Freedom Forum recorded 60 press freedom violation incidents from 1 May 2023 to 30 April 2024. In 60 violation incidents, a total of 88 media persons, 77 male and 11 female journalists, including 3 media houses, were directly affected.

Saugat Subedi
17/11/2024 5:35 PMWhy does Kathmandu's public transport need a complete revamp? A perspective from Mass Rapid Transit promoting efficient urban mobility
Out of a total, 1.75 million registered vehicles in Kathmandu Valley, only 3% of which are categorized as public transport currently serves 28% of the total population relying on formal and informal public transit. A shift in the public transport landscape of Kathmandu is crucial, and the switch to Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) is essential to tackle the rising congestion, inefficiency, and pollution caused by the current system.

Bhugol Khanal and Bidisha Kaphle
30/10/2024 7:07 AMEconomic Diplomacy through the Belt and Road Initiative: Navigating Nepal-China Economic Relations
The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) presents Nepal with a rare opportunity to transform its infrastructure and enhance its global trade links, yet it also brings the looming risks of debt dependency and geopolitical entanglements. Navigating this double-edged sword demands strategic economic diplomacy, careful project selection, and a focus on financial independence.

Asmita Yogi
Nepal, bound by its international policies and standards to protect and advance GESI is not enough to fulfil this; promises need action that goes beyond enacting policies. Thus, one is in dire need of a strong implementation mechanism, a higher budgetary provision, and that establishment of adequate human resources, skills, and abilities at the sub-national level is urgently required

Saugat Subedi
15/10/2024 7:45 AMLessons from Randomized Experiments: Lessons for Agriculture
Through these randomized experiments, we find some robust evidence that proves effective in Nepal, which have been proven in other parts of the world.

Amit Khanal & Pawan Raj Dallakoti
30/09/2024 11:55 AMThree Challenges of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) System in Nepal
The challenges include lower-quality EIA reports, lack of meaningful public participation, and ineffective self-monitoring. The private consultancy firms should be brought under strict scrutiny and must be held accountable to produce high-quality EIA reports.
Pawan Raj Dallakoti
23/09/2024 10:18 AMसंविधान कार्यान्वयनको ९ वर्ष: प्रगति, चुनौती,र सुधारका सम्भावनाहरू
संविधान जारी भए सँगै स्थायित्व र स्थिरता लागु हुन्छ भन्ने जनभावनाको विपरीत ९ वर्षमा १० पटक सरकार परिवर्तन भएको छ। २०७९ को निर्वाचन पछि मात्र ४ पटक सरकार परिवर्तन भइसकेको छ। देशमा केही हुँदैन भन्ने भाष्य संस्थागत भई रहँदा संविधान कार्यान्वयन प्रति हुने जनआस्था र जनविश्वासको कमिले संविधानको मर्म र प्रस्तावना अनुरूप कार्यान्वयनमा प्रभाव परिरहेको छ।

Sadichchha Silwal
19/09/2024 8:24 AMMarijuana in Nepal: Weighing Costs and Benefits
The process of legalizing and regulating marijuana involves substantial legal and administrative costs. Governments need to invest in regulatory agencies, law enforcement training, and monitoring systems. In Nepal where resources are limited, the economic burden of creating and enforcing these regulations might outweigh the financial benefits of taxation and sales.

Aastha Pokhrel and Mimamsha Dhungel
09/09/2024 10:29 AMBoosting Voter Turnout in Nepal: Strategies for a More Engaged Electorate
The voter turnout of 61.5% in Nepal's 2022 federal election suggests a moderate level of public engagement in the electoral process. However, the fact that nearly 40% of eligible voters did not cast their votes raises concerns about potential voter apathy, barriers to voting, or dissatisfaction with the political process.

Sabita Sigdel
02/09/2024 6:59 AMSaurya Air Crash: Just another accident or systematic failure of Nepal’s aviation standards?
In its 75-year aviation history, Nepal has witnessed 109 aviation-related accidents, resulting in 956 deaths. The recent Saurya Airlines crash raises further questions about the competence and accountability of regulatory bodies and operators.

Shaksham Shahi
29/07/2024 8:32 AMEconomic Growth Vs Rising Debt: Opportunities and Challenges for Nepal
The most persistent question regarding all the outstanding debt is what is the price that Nepal’s economy and the future pay as a consequence.

Shaksham Shahi
18/07/2024 11:08 AMAbout NPF
The National Policy Forum (NPF), established in 2024 and registered under the Companies Act, operates as a consulting agency dedicated to educating, informing, and gathering opinions on public affairs in Nepal. Committed to promoting good governance, evidence-based decision-making, active citizenship, and civic awareness, NPF's mission extends to every corner of the country.
Our Mission
We at NPF believe that democracies are strengthened only when the people are empowered. Our mission is to work with the public to understand what works and shape what matters. NPF brings forward innovative ideas and solutions through research and effective policy designs to respond to the most pressing needs of our societies. We envision plans, dialogues and actions for national prosperity and nation building with the people, for the people.
Latest Posts
07 Nov 2024
राजनीतिक उम्मेदवार दलको प्रतिनिधि कि जनताको?: मतदातामा पर्ने अन्योलता
नेपालको लोकतान्त्रिक यात्रामा धेरै उतारचढाव आएका छन्। तर आजको दिनमा पनि हाम्रो निर्वाचन प्रणालीमा केही यस्ता प्रवृत्तिहरू छन् जसले हाम्रो लोकतन्त्रको गुणस्तरमाथि प्रश्न चिन्ह खडा गरिरहन्छन्। तीमध्ये एक हो - हरेक चुनावमा एउटै व्यक्तिले फरक निर्वाचन क्षेत्रबाट उम्मेदवारी दिने चलन।
15 Dec 2024
Policies to Promote Social Interactions in the Evolving Digital Age
Digital tools and platforms have enabled global connectivity, broadened social networks, and enhanced collaboration, but it also raises concerns about the degrading frequency and quality of face-to-face interactions, digital dependencies, and decline in social skills and family values among the young generation.
18 Nov 2024
The Case of Legalizing Digital Currency in Nepal: An Exploratory Analysis
As the world embraces the digital revolution, Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are at the forefront of transforming financial systems. With 134 countries exploring CBDCs, representing 98% of the global economy, Nepal’s plan to roll out its CBDC by 2026 risks falling behind unless it accelerates its efforts in this innovative financial space.
17 Nov 2024
Restriction on Freedom of Expression in Nepal: Mechanism to respect co-existing fundamental rights or weapon of political elites?
The annual freedom press report published by Freedom Forum recorded 60 press freedom violation incidents from 1 May 2023 to 30 April 2024. In 60 violation incidents, a total of 88 media persons, 77 male and 11 female journalists, including 3 media houses, were directly affected.
07 Nov 2024
राजनीतिक उम्मेदवार दलको प्रतिनिधि कि जनताको?: मतदातामा पर्ने अन्योलता
नेपालको लोकतान्त्रिक यात्रामा धेरै उतारचढाव आएका छन्। तर आजको दिनमा पनि हाम्रो निर्वाचन प्रणालीमा केही यस्ता प्रवृत्तिहरू छन् जसले हाम्रो लोकतन्त्रको गुणस्तरमाथि प्रश्न चिन्ह खडा गरिरहन्छन्। तीमध्ये एक हो - हरेक चुनावमा एउटै व्यक्तिले फरक निर्वाचन क्षेत्रबाट उम्मेदवारी दिने चलन।
15 Dec 2024
Policies to Promote Social Interactions in the Evolving Digital Age
Digital tools and platforms have enabled global connectivity, broadened social networks, and enhanced collaboration, but it also raises concerns about the degrading frequency and quality of face-to-face interactions, digital dependencies, and decline in social skills and family values among the young generation.
18 Nov 2024
The Case of Legalizing Digital Currency in Nepal: An Exploratory Analysis
As the world embraces the digital revolution, Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are at the forefront of transforming financial systems. With 134 countries exploring CBDCs, representing 98% of the global economy, Nepal’s plan to roll out its CBDC by 2026 risks falling behind unless it accelerates its efforts in this innovative financial space.
17 Nov 2024
Restriction on Freedom of Expression in Nepal: Mechanism to respect co-existing fundamental rights or weapon of political elites?
The annual freedom press report published by Freedom Forum recorded 60 press freedom violation incidents from 1 May 2023 to 30 April 2024. In 60 violation incidents, a total of 88 media persons, 77 male and 11 female journalists, including 3 media houses, were directly affected.
07 Nov 2024
राजनीतिक उम्मेदवार दलको प्रतिनिधि कि जनताको?: मतदातामा पर्ने अन्योलता
नेपालको लोकतान्त्रिक यात्रामा धेरै उतारचढाव आएका छन्। तर आजको दिनमा पनि हाम्रो निर्वाचन प्रणालीमा केही यस्ता प्रवृत्तिहरू छन् जसले हाम्रो लोकतन्त्रको गुणस्तरमाथि प्रश्न चिन्ह खडा गरिरहन्छन्। तीमध्ये एक हो - हरेक चुनावमा एउटै व्यक्तिले फरक निर्वाचन क्षेत्रबाट उम्मेदवारी दिने चलन।
Policies to Promote Social Interactions in the Evolving Digital Age
Digital tools and platforms have enabled global connectivity, broadened social networks, and enhanced collaboration, but it also raises concerns about the degrading frequency and quality of face-to-face interactions, digital dependencies, and decline in social skills and family values among the young generation.
The Case of Legalizing Digital Currency in Nepal: An Exploratory Analysis
As the world embraces the digital revolution, Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are at the forefront of transforming financial systems. With 134 countries exploring CBDCs, representing 98% of the global economy, Nepal’s plan to roll out its CBDC by 2026 risks falling behind unless it accelerates its efforts in this innovative financial space.
Restriction on Freedom of Expression in Nepal: Mechanism to respect co-existing fundamental rights or weapon of political elites?
The annual freedom press report published by Freedom Forum recorded 60 press freedom violation incidents from 1 May 2023 to 30 April 2024. In 60 violation incidents, a total of 88 media persons, 77 male and 11 female journalists, including 3 media houses, were directly affected.
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